Man preaching
Man preaching

Living stones church

Worship Jesus with us

Worship Times

Sundays 10:00am

Wednesdays 6:30pm (youth)

Youth Group
Youth Group

Bringing Jesus
by the
Power of 
the Holy Spirit

15 S. 7th St, Sand Lake, MI 49343

What we believe

  • The Bible
  • God – Eternal, Creator, Redeemer
  • Jesus – Son of God, Savior, Resurrected
  • Holy Spirit – Co-equal, Co-eternal and Co-existent
  • Baptism
  • Communion
  • Sanctification
  • The Church
  • Healing
  • Resurrection
  • Promises
  • Judgment
  • Marriage, Gender, Sexuality
Pastor and wife
Pastor and wife

Our testimony

Mitch & Erica Taylor have been called by God to bring Jesus to generations by the power of the Holy Spirit. Living Stones Church was birthed on July 10th, 2022 under a tent in their backyard. They have seen the hand of God on their lives and within the Family of Living Stones! Married in 2004 with 4 children, Mitch & Erica got radically saved by Jesus in 2011 and life has never been the same. They have seen revival take place in their lives and the lives of their children. Both Mitch & Erica have faithfully served within multiple ministries since being transformed by Jesus. Stepping out in faith, launching Living Stones, to trust God fully has been and will continue to be the most exciting time of their lives!

Contact Us

Young woman
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